As Chairman I must express sincere gratitude to the members of Police Welfare Association Committee (PWAC) who saw my capability and expressed their confidence in my ability to lead a phenomenal team, charged with the responsibilities of making representation on behalf of the members of the Royal Turks and Caicos Islands Police Force (RT&CIPF). I can assure you that I am committed to the development of our members and the RT&CIPF into a force that is one to be reckoned with, through this administration’s policies and programmes. I am personally committed to ensuring that the objectives of the Association are met in the best interest of our members.
There has been some changes; however, many more changes are required to achieve this administration’s objectives. I consider myself very privileged to have been the first Chairman who have not been selected from the Rank of Inspector, for that I am humbled. This diverse team is undoubtedly a superb team ready and willing to work in the best interest of the members.
Throughout my tenure, we will be continuously working to ensuring that the PWA and our activities remain of interest to our members. The programmes and policies are holistically designed to ensure that those of us who are on the periphery are fully involved in the planning and decision making process of the Police Welfare Association (PWA). My aim is to lead a team that creates an environment where EVERY member of PWA is comfortable and feel a real sense of self-worth and self-sustainability. As a diverse Force, my vision is to see members improving their standard of living and that of their families as well as the value of their asset. I look forward to working with you as we “unite through diversity”.
REAL “For a Change”
David Barnett